Wendy Mackay, EFT Gold Coast

Workshops are conducted from my home throughout the year in small groups in a very relaxed environment with a beautiful outlook, with visiting experts in their field and with myself.

These vary typically from a couple of hours, to 1 day, 2 days and 3 days, sometimes consecutively after each other. There are some lovely Airbnb places and other accommodation nearby to stay if you would prefer to stay overnight. I am near to the beach and there are gorgeous walks if you feel inclined to get out in nature.

Workshops conducted over the last couple of years at my home have been:

  • EFT 1 & 2 by Caroline Dawson
  • Matrix Reimprinting by Caroline Dawson
  • Biocompass by Rob van Overbruggen
  • Birth Matrix Reimprinting by Sharon King
  • Biofield Clearing by Nev Winkworth
Gold Coast Workshops, EFT